Since the time I completed my first Beth Moore Bible study (Stepping Up) back in fall of 2007, I've been dying to meet Christian author and speaker, Beth Moore. I am one of thousands of women who has been encouraged by Beth and taught how to study the Word. She empowers me to be who God created me to be. I'm so very thankful for her.
So, back in November, I was approached by Tyndale to host Beth at my Franklin LCS for an author signing event for her new book, So Long, Insecurity. Clearly, I jumped at the chance, and spent three months planning and promotion in anticipation of the event. Finally, last Thursday, I met her.
As I pre-flapped and passed books to her during the signing, I watched as woman after woman approached her, humbly offering their appreciation. And to each woman, she edified and encouraged, hugged and loved, laughed and cried with them. She made every woman in front of her feel like the most important person in her world.
While I spent some conversational time with Beth on Thursday, I failed to tell her how much she's influenced my life. I should've told her that my Bible study girls and I lovingly call her B-Mo. I should've told her that she helped unify my Bible study and taught us how to dissect Scripture daily. I should've told her that her Anointed, Transformed & Redeemed study of King David's life helped me conquer my own bondage to sin. I should've told her that she helped me see Esther's courage and faith so I could seek mine from the Lord. I should've told her that every morning I recite the Five Statement Pledge of Faith from Believing God. Instead, I smiled at her, hugged her, and simply thanked her.
Clearly, God has given Beth a supernatural gift to love women, and has made her this special instrument to be used for His glory. Beth is just a simple woman who God made extraordinary. I realized that God can also do that in my own life. He can take this simple, ordinary girl and make her into something incredible too.
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